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How do you become a SADAA member?


Anyone wishing to take part in SADAA affiliated trials must first become a SADAA member and have their dog/s registered with SAWDA South African Working Dogs Association which is the umbrella body for several working disciplines in the country.

STEP 1 - Familiarise yourself with the SADAA Rules & constitution
Once you are ready to compete in the sport of dog agility it is suggested you familiarize yourself with the rules and regulations for any SADAA trial.

SADAA also has agility games namely Gamblers & Snooker which adds a new type of challenge to the sport of agility.

It is recommended that any club wishing to affiliate with SADAA read the constitution and rules carefully and discuss any queries he/she might have with the Regional Director.  

STEP 2 – Fill out SADAA membership form
Your SADAA membership form is an annual membership for the person wishing to take part in SADAA trials. Membership is renewed yearly before 30 June, as the SADAA calendar runs from July 1st to June 30th.

SADAA membership fees:
Single member (or 1st family member) - R240.00 per annum
Additional family member - R180.00 per annum
Scholar, student or pensioner - R120.00 per annum

This form and associated costs are submitted to your regional director who is responsible for submitting
and payment to the SADAA administration and treasurer.

STEP 3 – Fill out SAWDA application form
These forms are a once off lifetime registration for the dog/s you wish to compete within SADAA trials.

SAWDA registration fees:
Per dog - R80.00 (once off)
Register Kennel name - R10.00 (additional)

This form and associated costs are submitted to your regional director who is responsible for submitting and payment to the SADAA administration and treasurer. A SAWDA registration certificate will be issued and sent to you.

STEP 4 – Attending your 1st trial 
Once you have registered with SADAA and SAWDA, you will be issued with a SADAA number and SAWDA numbers for your dog/s. You will also be issued with a SADAA Record book and a SADAA Games record book per SAWDA registered dog which will be issued to you at your 1st trial. 
Please note dogs must be 18 months or older to compete in SADAA trials.

A senior judge and/or Regional Director will measure your dog to determine which height category he/she will compete in. Dogs close to a height limit can be measured by a 2nd qualified judge in order to ascertain a fair
and unbiased measurement.

Your regional director will send you regular emails regarding upcoming club trials and regional trials in other regions around the country.

NB! Please note it is the owner or competitor's responsibility to fill out trial entry forms and send the entries to the responsible person before the stated closing date.

STEP 5 – Membership Renewals
Remember to fill out a SADAA membership renewal form before the 30th June of each calendar year.
Send your form to the regional director, who will also provide information on where renewal fees can be paid. 

Click here to find out the contact information on the Regional Director where you reside

SAWDA Application Form

How to become a SADAA Member

How do you become a SADAA club?


STEP 1 - Familiarise yourself with the SADAA Rules & constitution
It is recommended that any club wishing to affiliate with SADAA read the constitution and rules carefully
and discuss any queries he/she might have with the Regional Director. 

STEP 2 – Equipment 
Once you are happy with the rules and regulations of SADAA, the club must bear in mind that equipment
for hosting SADAA trials must meet SADAA regulations.

Equipment required for SADAA trials (refer to the latest set of rules for equipment specifications):

  • Jumps

  • Contact equipment (A-Frame, See-Saw & Dog-walk)

  • Weave Poles

  • Tunnels (Rigid only)

  • Long Jump

  • Tyre jump (Breakaway only)

  • Wall jump

STEP 3 – Club Details sent to SADAA Administration and Annual Club Affiliation paid
Once your clubs equipment has been approved, the details of your club are sent to SADAA Administration
and an annual club affiliation (R240 per annum) is paid to SADAA. Your Regional Director will assist with payment and application forms.

STEP 4 – Hosting your first SADAA Club trial 
Once your club is affiliated to SADAA it’s time to start hosting trials. 
Feel welcome to ask your regional director for assistance hosting your 1st few SADAA trials.

Each SADAA region (e.g. Gauteng, Free State, and Western Province) can host any number of club trials per year and 4 regional trials per year.

club trial 
permit must be requested a minimum of 3 weeks before the trial date & a regional trial permit
must be requested a minimum of 3 months before the intended date. 

Each club is required to pay the following to SADAA per club trial:

  • Club/Games trial permit                  R25/trial

  • Club/Games trial levy                     R5 /dog/discipline

STEP 5 – Membership Renewals
Remember to fill out a SADAA membership renewal form before the 30th June of each calendar year.
Send your form to the regional director, who will also provide information on where renewal fees can be paid. 

Click here to find out the contact information on the Regional Director where you reside

SADAA Club Affiliation Application Form

SADAA Membership Renewal Form

© 2021 by South African Dog Agility Association aka SADAA

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